We are delighted to share the fact that one of our cranes was used in the making of the latest Spider-Man film “Far From Home”. Peter Parker (AKA Spider-Man) goes on an European vacation with his friends, however his desire to leave super heroics behind for a few weeks do not go to plan as he is dragged into helping his friends discover the mystery of creature attacks that are creating widespread destruction across the continent.
In a time when we all need heroes, why don’t you too escape into the fantasy world of Spider-Man and while watching the film, look out for our super hero crane.
Crangent, Terex Demag (code name AC 140) is working deep under and is therefore in disguise. We’ve shared some photos below to help you spot her. So go watch Peter Parker (actor Tom Holland) save the world and tell everyone with you “That’s a Terranova Crane” when you spot our Terex.
You can buy the Blueray or DVD of “Spider-Man: Far from Home” or view it on demand (2020) via Amazon Prime, Google Play, NOW tv, and other on demand services. Go on, see it today and see if you can spot our disguised crane! If you do let us know via Facebook, Twitter or Instragram (#terranovacranes #spiderman)