Why get a site survey completed?
- To save money
- Comply with Health and Safety laws.
- Benefit from expert knowledge
- To book a Contract lift
To save money![Crane Front With Traffic Lights](http://www.terranova.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/crane-front-traffic-lights_D810472.web_-300x200.jpg)
Without a site survey there is a risk the wrong equipment is ordered. Choosing the right location and taking the right precise measurements is important as mechanical leverage combined with the load weight means that only ½ metre difference can change which crane capacity is required.
Self assessment can result in:
– booking a crane with a lot more capacity than required and costing hundreds of pounds more.
– booking a crane not suitable for the task, leading to delays in the project schedule, wasted man hours and additional booking fees for a replacement crane.
– booking the wrong equipment that leads to lift failure, personal injury, damage to goods and machinery. The hirer is responsible for any equipment damage outside a contract lift.
Comply with Health and Safety laws
The “Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998” (LOLER), was created as an
update to the “Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974” to replace a number of other pieces of legislation which covered the use of lifting equipment.
The LOLER states
“All lifting operations involving lifting equipment must be properly planned by a competent person”
“all equipment used for lifting is fit for purpose, appropriate for the task”
This means anyone commercially tasked to complete an operation which involves lifting equipment is by law responsible for ensuring each and every lift is properly planned by a competent person. A person with years of experience and comprehensive knowledge of lift equipment. A person qualified to identify any hazards that may exist during the lift, to assess these hazards and to lower them to acceptable levels.
Benefit from expert knowledge
The following also has significant implications and needs to be considered;
- The load being lifted. An ideal load is a balanced symmetrical shape with a robust structure, low centre of gravity (CoG) which is also actually at its geometric centre (centroid), and of course conveniently positioned lifting eye bolts. In reality, a load’s shape and structure is defined by its use, its CoG is the result of its shape, construction and materials, and any eye bolts fitted are an after thought, if fitted at all. For a contract lift, we are responsible for providing the right equipment (lifting beams etc) to satisfactorily lift the load without damaging it.
- Reorientation of Loads. It is not unusual for goods to be awkward in shape or size. Most are manufactured off site and transported to their final location using public roads. While in transit they will be orientated and positioned for the safest method of travel. This transitional orientation may mean once delivered the load will need reorientating into its operational position during the lift (flipped in mid air). At Terranova, we have the expertise, the equipment and proven track record to be able to successfully reorientate any load we lift into its required position.
- Load alignment. Some lifts require the alignment of loads to be maintained or adjusted as it is lifted to avoid static objects fixed along its lift path. We have the experience to ensure the best route is used during the lift and to minimise any risks to the load as it travels to its final location.
Book a Contract Lift
Use our online Book A Site Survey form to order your Site Survey and Contract Lift today.